Despite the premise of tolerance and protection of ethnic minority rights in Russia promoted by state propaganda, a network of propaganda Telegram channels regularly disseminates content that incites interethnic conflict and increases xenophobia. Russia is trying to promote the idea on the international arena that it protects the peoples who were "under the yoke of the West" and genuinely cares about "weaker states". Moreover, even within the federation itself, it allegedly tries to ...
‘The Yalta-Potsdam system has expired’. ‘At Yalta 2, two of the three powers will be anti-Western - the US, Russia and China instead of the UK’. These are the theses spread by the Russian authorities and propaganda on the anniversary of the 1945 Yalta Conference. This year marks the Eightieth anniversary of the historic Yalta Conference, where the leaders of the wartime Grand Alliance: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin negotiated the post-war ...