Riders on the storm ...
BMP. What do you know about the weather conditions on the Ukrainian front line?
Story of Ukraine's Special Forces Operator: The Most Difficult Tasks on the Frontline
The latest military technologies and weaponry are being utilized in the war in Ukraine. Ukrainians themselves have already proven to be outstanding warriors. But what does the work of the world's best military professionals look like from the inside? We tell you in the ‘Profession: Warrior’ project. Today, our hero is a commander from one of the most secretive units in Ukraine called ‘Nobody,’ a part of the Tymur’s special forces unit of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. These are special forces who carry out the most difficult tasks on the frontline and deep behind enemy lines.
UNITED24 Media



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577 of posts, 10 of subscribers
Created: 29 February 2024
Responsible: Miro Baida


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