Cookies usage policy

According to the current legislation, we inform about the cookies stored by the site we: (hereinafter - the Site) on the Client's side.

What are cookies?

An HTTP cookie is information in the form of text or binary data received from a website on a web server, which is stored in the Client's browser and then sent to the same website if it is visited again.

In this way, the web server notices the user's browser when visiting. Cookies are created on the initiative of a script script on the side of the web browser. At the next visit, the server will know that the user has already been here.

The "cookies" file (a small file with profile settings) facilitates the use of the website by recording the data necessary for logging into the system and collecting statistics. You can also use the website without cookies. Cookies usually store your preferences on the vkb site, such as your language, location, etc. Most Internet users automatically accept cookies. They can be turned off at any time.

More details:

What cookies do we store?

The table shows a comprehensive list of cookies stored by the Site we: on the Client's side.

The name of the cookies
Time of action
System cookies, necessary for identification of the Client's session. Contains text code.
Before closing the browser
Necessary to identify the Client as a visitor to the Site for collecting analytics. Contains a numeric identifier.
+ 5 years
Necessary for identification of the Client as an authorized user of the Site and his access to the closed part of the Site.
Contains text code.
+ 1 day
Necessary to hide the block with a link to this cookie policy. The presence of this cookie means the Client's consent to the use of cookies from we:. Contains text.

As you can see, we do not initiate the saving of cookies of third-party Sites on the Client's side.

Confidential data in cookies

We do not store confidential data in cookies.

Our cookies can only contain identifiers, coded text, or text values ​​with which the user agrees (such as region ).

Do we share data from your cookies?

Definitely not. We do not transfer data from your cookies to third parties.

Agree with the policy

Using the we: Site requires your agreement with these provisions of the cookie policy. If you do not agree with these provisions, do not visit the Site and delete all relevant cookies in your browser.

If you have any questions regarding the use of cookies on the we: Site , you can address them to our mailbox: [email protected]