An alternative to russian Telegram

What's wrong with Telegram?

But at least a few following points:

  1. Real ownership structure.
  2. The location of some servers on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Potential cooperation of the Telegram team with the FSB, the government and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  4. Unpunished distribution of Russian IPSOs in anonymous channels.
  5. Total irresponsibility for publicly disseminated information.
  6. No encryption in regular chats and groups.
  7. The possibility of access to "private" and "protected" chats and their history (logs, deleted messages, etc.) by employees of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.
  8. Access to all contacts and their real transfer to Telegram servers.
  9. Access to incoming SMS and transfer data about them to Telegram servers.
  10. Access to the call function and potential transfer of information about them to Telegram servers.
  11. Access and constant transmission of GPS data and telemetry to Telegram servers.
  12. Access to the radio module of the phone to detect devices "nearby" and potentially transfer this data to Telegram servers.
  13. Application access to the list of WiFi connections and potential transfer of this list (further processing and unmasking of users of the same local network).
  14. Access to the application is not only for reading the WiFi connection status, but also for changing the status (attempting to reconnect to WiFi may unmask the device).
  15. Excessive use of disk space on the phone or PC.
  16. Functions for data collection and transmission are enabled in the application "out of the box", most users do not know that certain accesses can be turned off.

In general, the biggest concern is not only the significant number of access rights to the hardware, namely the transfer of data to the extensive network of Telegram servers and access to these servers by third parties from Lubyanka.

From here, logical questions arise:

  • Where can I read public and official information about Telegram's large data centers, their constant expansion, hiring, or reduction of their specialists? Real FSB-ish secrecy and stability, isn't it?
  • Where are the Telegram servers anyway?
  • How is the integrity of user data ensured and guaranteed?
  • How does the Telegram team guarantee the lack of access to the servers of the FSB or other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation? Only Durov's "honest word"?

If these are just conspiracy theories for you, and you believe in "good" katsaps, just leave this site and clear your search history.

What do we offer?

The we: online platform team has developed a web environment for exchanging private and public messages. We also have E2E encrypted chats and public news feeds. We promote compliance with the principles of full responsibility for public content and respect for Content Authors (including remuneration). 

We want there to be as much Ukrainian content on the Internet as possible, and less Russian content in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet [and not only there]. It is clear that we promote the Ukrainian language and total Ukrainization in Ukraine and in Ukrainian Diaspora centers around the world. We do not communicate in the language of war criminals and terrorists.

In addition to everything beautiful and good in the form of we: websites, we also have secure applications for Android and iOS, which are at the final stage of testing and release.

Functionality of we: applications

In short, the functionality of we: applications is reduced to the exchange of public and private messages through Profiles, Channels and Instant Messages.

We are not ready to claim that we are ready to provide the full functionality of Telegram in our applications and become their 100% alternative in the near future. For this, we only need a time machine and a few money machines (according to the "modest" statements of the head of Telegram, the cost of maintaining Telegram exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars). And does the domestic market of information services need it?

The functionality of we: applications already includes:

  • User profiles (Avatar, Cover, Info, links to other social networks, Publications feed) + Profile settings with the introduction of a concise nickname for a short link to the profile.
  • Public posts in your profile (they are "posts", "posts", or "stories") with photos or videos from third-party services (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Vimeo). Posts can have titles and links to any external page.
  • " Friends " and an invitation form (without access to phone contacts) with the ability to quickly go to Friends' profiles and to text messages.
  • Instant messaging (Personal private chats and groups) with E2E encryption and file transfer.
  • Public news channels (public data about news from verified media sites or from their RSS for further transition to source sites) + subscription to selected public channels. Public channels operate exclusively for familiarization and further transitions to public mass media sites. Responsibility for the content rests with professional journalists and editorial staff of these mass media. There are no advertisements in public channels. We do not receive income from the operation of public channels.
  • Private channels (filled by Users manually, or based on data from RSS of private sites, private channels on YouTube, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or based on data from Ukrainian channels in Telegram) + subscription to selected private channels. The responsible person is clearly indicated in the information about this private channel. With more than 100 subscribers, the owner of a private channel can initiate the display of advertising in his own channel and receive from 50 to 100% of the profit from it.
  • Comments on Posts in Profiles and Channels.
  • Likes (Emotions) to Posts in Profiles and Channels.
  • Complaints system for Posts, Profiles and Channels for content moderation by the Community of Users.


What will be in we: applications in the future:

  • Search for Users, Channels, Posts.
  • Audio and video calls with E2E encryption based on peer-to-peer data transmission.
  • File sharing based on peer-to-peer data transfer without saving on the server.
  • Short voice messages (quality - not sufficient for use as biometric voice data).
  • Stickers in Instant Messages.
  • New types of posts: Announcement, Survey, Product, Appointment.
  • The possibility of uploading your own videos (up to 60-120 seconds) in Posts.

What will NOT be in the we: applications

  • obtaining access to GPS or telemetry by the application and transmitting this data through our application;
  • Google maps in posts or labels with current coordinates;
  • obtaining access to biometric data (fingerprint, detailed photo of the retina, etc.);
  • data storage in Russia, or cooperation with Russian companies;
  • katsaps among Users (removed upon the first complaint, access is limited from the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Iran);
  • getting access to Contacts, SMS, Incoming calls on SIM;
  • access to the forced activation of WiFi, or a list of available networks;
  • "search nearby";
  • a lot of contextual advertising (in messages or other "sensitive" sections);

Join in!

Proceed to registration and hurry to take a concise nickname in the promising Ukrainian social network from

Only together with you will we be able to develop a worthy alternative to the Russian Telegram.

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