Info section of we:

About the project we:

we: is an own online platform for Ukrainians and our friends around the world. The platform combines the following services: Forum, News aggregator (channels), Bulletin board, Weather forecast, Landing designer, Social network.

we: also offers free applications (Android, iOS) for exchanging messages, getting to know the news and maintaining your own feeds.

Active development of the online platform has been underway since 2022.

The correct name of the project

The name of the project we: is pronounced as "we", which means "we" in English. The name of the site is pronounced as "we dot ua". How do people pronounce the name of our site: "we ua", "weua", "we UA", "wee ua", "WE", "WeUA", someone even googles "ve". However, it is best to find our site in Google using the phrase "we: platform" or "we: social network".

Use the project name in links as follows: "we: User name" or "we: Channel Name". This will mean that the User or Channel can be found on the we: platform.

We have nothing to do with projects that call themselves or were called in a similar way (weua.COM, weua.INFO, weua.BIZ, etc.).

Who owns the project?

The online platform we: is owned by Baida Myroslav Volodymyrovych with intellectual property rights to TM (starting from 05.18.2022) , the source code and design of websites and mobile applications of the platform.


Work on the online services of the we: project was started back in 2020-2021 as a pet project of an aggregator of domestic news from the most famous mass media. The news was collected from RSS feeds and open data sources (media websites) with the aim of familiarizing readers with headlines and brief details and their subsequent transfer to media websites ""by direct links".

In the course of work and everyday use of the aggregator, it was decided to add a system of emotions (likes) and comments on websockets (replies and emotions in real time without reloading the page). The news aggregator has become more like a social network [in the voice of a forgotten politician: "That already happened"].

At first, the transformation of the aggregator site into a full-fledged social network was completely rejected, since this idea is far from new and quite unprofitable. Later, there were developments in the direction of a convenient web designer of landing pages and a free bulletin board. It became more and more obvious to combine several ambitious projects into a single online platform through which users could communicate with each other.

The working name of the project was constantly changing, and the search for a good domain name lasted more than a year. Among the working ideas and temporarily registered domains were: "UAweb", "UAnet", "UAnews", "Razom", "Gurtom", etc.

Separately, we note that the we: project has nothing to do with the projects of the same name or similar projects that were developed until 2022.

Logo and colors

The logo contains a graphic image of the word "we" with the letters "w" and "e" overlapping each other with the right and left edges, respectively. This symbolizes the extraordinary unity of Ukrainians and our ability to be as close as possible to each other. The logo uses an angular gradient consisting of two colors: blue and amethyst. Variations of these colors are constantly present in the interfaces of the we: online platform, especially in various navigation elements, such as buttons, links, etc.

Languages ​​and countries

Currently, the project has 2 interface languages: Ukrainian and English. Translations into Polish, German, and Spanish are expected in the near future.

The Russian language (as well as Russians) is absent in the we: project. We do not speak this language and do not provide information services in this language.

Area of ​​distribution of we: Ukraine, countries of Europe and the Atlantic Partnership in which there are Ukrainians.

We do not provide and do not plan to provide our services to citizens of the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Iran, North Korea, or any other persons (including legal entities) residing or registered in these countries.

We can refuse to provide information services to persons who are on the sanctions lists of Ukraine and our partners in connection with such persons' support or facilitation of the war that the Russian Federation has been waging in Ukraine since 2014. Also, we can refuse to provide information services (blocking/deleting an account) to any citizens who support the Russian Federation in one way or another.

Monetization and charity

The main source of income for we: is contextual advertising, which is placed in the News and inside the channels (with the consent of the content owners). In addition, contextual advertising is present in the Weather section and in the Bulletin Board.

We do not plan to place advertisements in messages, on the personal pages of users, or anywhere that may interfere with the comfortable use of we: services.

We offer content authors who are owners of news channels the most simple and transparent 50/50 monetization scheme due to the display of contextual advertising in their channels. Also, we offer 50% of the profit for conversions from advertising to Content Authors (channel owners), the remaining 50%we will send profit from contextual advertising in the channel to charity (Ukrainian NGOs and BF). To participate in this monetization program, the channel must have an audience of more than 100 subscribers.

Advertisements about charitable or volunteer organizations, which are organically integrated into the News feed with the note "Advertising", are placed on a charitable basis (completely free of charge).

Discussion of the project

Any questions that arise regarding the activities of we: can be discussed in our forum.

Email of the project support service: [email protected].

Also, a discussion of this project is available on the DOU.UA forum: