Online platform we:

We are developing a new communication channel with a social network, messengers and online services for all Ukrainians and our friends

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Purpose of the platform we:

To present you and your business

Create a personal page and share its short address with everyone

Channels for content authors

Share your content in private channels and invite subscriptions for updates

For discussions of important topics

System of instant comments and likes on all sites of the Platform and not only

Exchange private messages

Secure private and group instant messaging with E2EE

Online technologies for business

Widgets for sites (comments, reviews, weather, news, etc.) and API for sending messages

Decentralized network

We aim to build a large Ukrainian social network around shared values and interests

we: online platform services

Social network

Create profiles and share posts with your friends and followers!

Public channels in the social network from WE.UA provide additional opportunities for popularizing your content and attracting a relevant audience.

Ukrainian social network we: Ukrainian social network we: Ukrainian social network we:

News aggregator

Be the first to learn about the latest Ukrainian news with we:.

Leave your comments and likes, share the news with your friends!

Get acquainted with the news

Events and activities

Do not miss cultural events and art events in your city together with we:

All events of Ukraine

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Adverts board

Post free ads for goods or services directly from your profile

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We are glad to welcome you to the website of the online platform we: !

Our platform is designed to present Ukrainians and domestic business, as well as unite users around common values ​​and interests.

By unification, we understand the provision of the same opportunities for online communication in various services and sites of the Platform through the functions of our domestic Social Network. Therefore, on our sites you can find the wording "social network from", because the platform itself is much more than just one social network, but rather a whole set of services.

Messages are not only SMS))

As you know, the Message is a sequence of signals of different nature. People constantly use messages in their communication. Not all messages carry new or useful information, but all communication participants should be able to choose the sources, content and methods of communication. You have the right to ignore nonsense, manipulation, distortion, gossip and various lies. In the age of instant messaging, their value is leveled off just as instantly. Therefore, the need to verify the facts (exhaustiveness, truthfulness, completeness) and the formation of trusted sources of messages and information is of great importance.
The platform provides Users with opportunities to exchange public and private messages with all other users and visitors.

Public messages include: posts on pages, comments and likes (graphic images for expressing emotions) in all Platform services (in all aggregators, on the Bulletin Board, in widgets on third-party sites, etc.). Such data is publicly available and can be read and seen by all visitors to the Platform without exception. Also, when creating a public message, be careful and publicly responsible for its content and possible violation of the rights of other citizens. Do not create public messages that you will have to deny or apologize for. Be mutually polite and tolerant of other people's opinions, beliefs, or preferences! Do not endanger the reputation of the Platform by expressing only your own subjective opinion in public posts on its services!

Everything is easier with private messages: such messages are sent personally to one or a group of trusted users of the Platform and are not publicly available (they are hidden from the outside world). For greater reliability, in addition to SSL encryption, we use modern E2EE (End-to-End Encryption) encryption algorithms, so the content of messages can only be deciphered by chat participants, and even the team does not have access to them.

To all Users

Each user of the Platform can express himself on his personal page, creating an unlimited number of posts (they are posts, stories, publications). Each post has a title, text, attachment and a separate address. Think of posts as your mini-pages that you can share with your friends and that will be indexed by search engines.

Isn't it a great opportunity to promote your content? Especially if you can place a photo (one or an entire album), a survey, a link to a video, or any other page on the Internet in the attachments.

Notification of events from verified sources

We were concerned about the availability of fresh and always up-to-date information for our users. Therefore, we have researched more than 70 domestic online sources and offer to all readers who like to follow the news, our unique News Feed, which contains brief information about events and news with direct links to sources for more detailed information. Each user can independently choose a list of selected sources and regularly visit Updates and go to extended articles on reliable and verified domestic sites.

Convert a post to an ad

Also, users of our Platform often need the opportunity to share with other participants information about their services or other things for exchange and sale. To do this, Users can create an Announcement (it's easy to choose this type of post in the form) directly from their page, or in a special section - Bulletin Board. Your ad will be seen by a much larger audience: your friends and followers on, all searchers on our Bulletin Board, users in search engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo) and all your friends and followers in other social networks, if you distribute your ad through old communication channels.

Message channels

More creative or enterprising users can regularly distribute their content in private Channels of the platform. Channels on are separate pages that creators can name and customize (logo, banner, short address, description) in accordance with their needs. Each user of our platform can create several channels and fill them by himself, creating posts manually, as on his own page. You can also use the automatic import of data from your own website, YouTube channel, or Facebook and Instagram feeds. Theoretically, it is possible to agree on the import of the channel from Telegram, but for this we will have to familiarize ourselves with its content very carefully.

Channels are called private because they are created by individuals in private interests and the same private individuals are responsible for their content. All channels on the platform are not anonymous. The Author (also known as the Founder, Creator) of the channel - a private person - is necessarily responsible for the information distributed in the channels on our platform. All channels are available via short concise links provided by their authors (the address is set upon creation). You can invite subscribers to your channel on on your page, in the comments, or in any other social networks and streaming services. Content creators of popular Channels on can get additional benefits from cooperation.

For business

We encourage you to create appropriate channels to spread information about your business or non-profit organization, and not to use personal user pages for this. Even if today you have only 1 site that you want to tell us about, tomorrow there may be 2 or even 5. Also, SMM specialists can create several separate channels to promote the goods and services of several different sites or companies ( 1 Author - many Channels).

It is easiest to spread information about Company updates or discounts on your store's website by connecting to the News Channel of your website. Do not forget to write on your website and other social networks "Follow our updates on we:" and attach a link to your channel.

Channels for business have a number of advantages compared to ordinary user pages. These include special types of posts - Product. That is, directly in the Channel there can be products with a price and a "Buy" button, which will lead to your site (add the product to the Basket via the link). You can also create Scheduled posts in channels if you need to notify the audience about an upcoming event or wish subscribers a happy holiday.

Also, we offer numerous widgets for integration on the sites of our partners. Such widgets include: comments, reviews with ratings, likes, weather, news feed, event feed. All registered users of our Platform can interact with our widgets on your site on their own behalf, and your site will acquire the necessary interactivity and dynamism, since the data in our widgets is often updated, and some even work with instant data transfer technologies (WebSockets).

We provide access to the API of our services under the terms of Agreements with registered Users. Also, a significant number of data creation processes on the Platform can be automated. These include: creating posts, receiving data about reviews and comments, sending personal messages to Users.

Instant message chats

All registered users can exchange personal instant messages in secure chats. The functionality of our messengers is completely familiar, simple and intuitively understandable. The main feature of our chats is availability on the Platform website and in applications.

Applications for iOS and Android (+Desktop)

We actively implement applications of our Platform on various operating systems to increase the ease of use of our services and reach the maximum audience of users. With our applications, Users can quickly exchange messages and receive notifications about interactions with other users. This ease of exchange creates a new communication channel, which was discussed at the top of the site. Do you want to share the message with friends or colleagues? Use applications from for this!

Thank you for your attention!
Best regards, team.