News channels are a one-to-many communication method, when the information owner provides regular messages to a certain address. Those interested can come at any time to the desired and prearranged address and read the updated list of messages.
For example, the oldest channels are RSS feeds of news sites or blogs. In the XML files of such RSS feeds, update messages are separated by structural blocks. Sites provide the addresses of their RSS feeds in a one-way manner, and news-hungry readers come for updates when it's convenient for them.
Update channels on we: work according to a similar principle . Only, our channels are designed in the form of convenient message ribbons and can have unique concise addresses, text description and additional graphic design (cover at the top of the page). The author of the content creates a message that is saved in the feed of his channel. Readers have 3 ways to read messages from the news channel on we:
Of course, news channels in the we: social network do not need to be manually filled in if you already have a site with an RRS news feed. Just add the feed address in the Channel settings. We will check for updates at a certain frequency (1-2 hours, maybe more).
Each of the participants can subscribe to a public or private news channel and receive information from their favorite sources in the News Feed ("Favorites" list).
If your news channel on the we: social network has more than 100 subscribers, we can offer you an additional way of earning - placing contextual advertising from Google AdSense between posts.
Read in a separate article about the details of monetization in news channels on we: