Each of the users is the Author of the digital content.
We call for mutual respect of Authors and mutual respect of their intellectual property rights to creative products.
Let's repeat once again the wording about Content from the Principles of Publicity:
Each public material of the User on WE.UA is the product of the intellectual property of its Author and belongs only to him (or his successors in certain cases). The content on the we.ua website belongs to the authors of the content. WE.UA does not claim any content, copyright, or related rights to the results of the Authors' creativity and is not responsible for the material published by Users. Any claims of the Authors regarding the use of their works of art or intellectual property (fragments of works, graphic materials, video fragments, etc.) are addressed directly to unscrupulous Users, the administration does not participate in communication or settlement of this type of disputes between Users.
Each Author of digital content has the right to make it publicly available with the indication of his real full name, or a publicly recognized, widely known and creative pseudonym associated only with him. This indication of a name, or a pseudonym, is carried out in the account settings and assumes that the WE.UA System attaches it to each User's post, his comments, or other dynamic material (advertisements, photos, videos, etc.).
It is FORBIDDEN to publish author's content on someone else's behalf, or pass off someone else's content as your own (appropriate) without indicating real authorship and a link to the original source.
Each Author of digital content must confirm his/her identity in the account settings, which will be evidence of confirmation of assumed duties and responsibilities for the content published in the future on we.ua.
Information and digital materials published from unverified accounts are considered unreliable and unverified until the Author's identity is confirmed by WE.UA employees, or automatically through Diya or BankID. Until the User's confirmation, his page and materials on it will not be available for indexing by search engines and will not be available in WE.UA search. The user page will clearly state: "Unverified user".
After identity verification, ALL the Author's posts and materials automatically become publicly available, including and for search engines. After confirming the identity, the User also becomes fully legally responsible for violations committed according to the Code of Civil Procedure, the Law on Digital Content and Digital Services and other Laws of Ukraine in relation to other WE.UA Users, or any citizens and residents of Ukraine.
Do not post materials on the we.ua website that should not be publicly available!
Do not post on the we.ua website materials that can be used in OSINT investigations of other countries (photos from service in the Armed Forces, call signs, fragments of memoirs, description, or unit number, etc.).
Each author of digital content can get additional benefit from cooperation with WE.UA thanks to contextual advertising and the audience of his subscribers, about this in a separate article.