New social network from we:

Ukrainian social network


The Ukrainian social network within the we: online platform allows you to exchange public and personal messages, fill out your personal page (Profile), keep a feed of your own posts and much more.

Registration on we: is open and free and possible on the main page of the Ukrainian social network .

User Pages, or "Profiles"

Each User of the Ukrainian social network we: can independently choose a short and concise address (alias) of his page. This address must consist of lowercase characters written in the Latin alphabet az , numbers 0-9 and a separator for the words "-", or "_" with a total length of 6 characters or more.

In the account settings, it is advisable to specify your valid First and Last Name so that we can confirm your profile and you will receive the status of "Verified User".

If a user hides his name behind a fictitious nickname and is not ready to write his own real name above his posts, there is no trust in such a user and the messages spread by him are most likely of dubious content. Trust only verified users!

On his page, the User can set a photo avatar and a cover image for a better look and branding of the page. We encourage you to use low images in landscape orientation for Profile covers, as user pages can be viewed on large desktop screens.

You can also publish short autobiographical information "About yourself" on the User's page. There may be links to your sites, exhibitions of works, or works. You can talk about yourself on the we: social network with a video: just add a link to a YouTube video in the text block.

How we verify users

All users of the Ukrainian social network we: can get the status of "Verified user" after filling in all the necessary contact data and the confirmation procedure, which can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Automatically through Diya using a digital signature (preferred method).
  2. In manual mode through a video call and SMS with a code phrase during a video call (the user himself registers for the nearest convenient working time from 09:00 to 18:00).
  3. We can conclude an agreement on the provision of information services in paper or digital form (applies to channel owners and monetization).

Verified users will receive a special designation next to the photo avatar on their pages so that other users can easily distinguish them visually.

Remember that all users of the we: social network can complain about each other through a special interface and the "Complain" button. If the User receives at least 1 complaint and we find that the account is suspicious, we will require such a user to undergo account verification in a mandatory manner, otherwise we will block the account. If there are more than 3 complaints about an unverified profile, it will be blocked automatically.

We may share with third parties lists of unscrupulous users who have been identified as fraudulent.

Public posts

We promote publicity and availability of information. Public accountability must follow public accessibility. This is described in detail in a separate article:  The principle of publicity and responsibility . In general, we can say this: "don't write publicly what you are not ready to publicly answer for or apologize for." Doubtful and false information has no place on we:

Public notices include:

  • user posts on their pages (in Profiles);
  • posts in News Channels;
  • posts on  the bulletin board ;
  • comments on posts and photos;
  • graphic messages of emotions (likes).

Such messages can be seen by all we: visitors , even unregistered readers. Also, be as careful and tactful as possible in your public statements on Keep in mind that  we do not support criticism of the authorities , we urge you  not to insult famous persons on the pages of we: , and  we prohibit the use of we.uaservices for any justification of military and information aggression of the Russian Federation .

Please do not use the language of terrorists and occupiers and create public posts in Ukrainian or English, as we: is a Ukrainian project. There will be no Russian language and, hopefully, Russian content in our interfaces.

Public messages are not additionally encrypted when stored on our servers or when transmitted over the network. A public message written by you can be used against you by third parties in court proceedings.

Personal (private) messages

For exchanging private messages in the Ukrainian social network we:, there is a system of instant messages (IM - Instant Messaging) with E2E encryption. When a conversation starts between users, a simple chat is created in which all messages are stored in chronological order. Private conversations can only be held by users who have exchanged requests in Druza. If your application in Druza was rejected, you will not be able to write to this user.

We call the exchange of private messages Chats, because in our instant messages there is no information about the Recipient (as it can be in Email or SMS), only about the Sender and the Chat, where this message should be shown.

Later, chats for 2 users can be expanded to a larger audience by inviting other users from the "Friends" list. In group chats, it really doesn't matter to whom the message is addressed (typically, it is assumed that everyone), it is more important when and by whom.

Each chat in our social network has its own identifier and address. Third-party users cannot join someone else's chat. New members must be invited by one of the valid members of the chat and thereby convey information about the new member to other users.

We do not claim the title of the most protected Messenger in the world and urge you not to transmit information about state or military secrets in personal messages; about the movement or deployment of military personnel, as well as: medics and volunteers. We ask the military not to use the we: messenger , but to use specialized hardware and digital means of communication. And in general, we urge our military not to use any publicly available social networks to prevent OSINT investigations of the aggressor.

Instant messages

Not all instant messages on the Ukrainian social network we: are private, although all private messages are instant.

The point is to use WebSockets technology, when messages are delivered to the Recipient extremely quickly (instantly). Not only private Chats of personal messages work on this technology. Also, messages in comments and in the widget of emotions (likes) are delivered instantly. In order for other users to see the message you wrote, they do not need to reload the page, the messages will appear in their interface almost immediately. This is how WebSockets work.

Ukrainian social network

The we: social network is 100% Ukrainian and created by Ukrainians primarily for Ukrainians and our friends. More details about the history of creation and ownership structure -  in the Info section.

We hope that the Ukrainian social network from we: will help you find new friends and like-minded people, will give you all the necessary channels of communication with clients and will allow you to present yourself at a qualitatively new level.

Also,  register in our social network and invite your friends!